Portretten in textielverf

Portretten in textielverf is een serie portretten in felle kleuren en (vaak) in mozaïekstijl.

Portraits in textile paint is a series of portraits in bright colours and (often) in mosaic style

Christel Sins-Camp - All eyes are on you

ALL EYES ARE ON YOU 100×125 (2020)
Judges choice textielfestival Noord-Groningen

Christel Sins-Camp - portretten in textielverf - sisters

SISTERS 70x50cm (2020)

Christel Sins-Camp - portretten in textielverf - twins

TWINS 50x70cm (2019)

Christel Sins-Camp - portretten in textielverf - nathalie
Christel Sins-Camp - portretten in textielverf - isabel
Christel Sins-Camp - portretten in textielverf - dominique